Tooth Colored Fillings
What is a tooth-colored filling?
Instead of using the old metal fillings materials that may not be attractive, in modern dentistry we have the option of using a type of material that looks very similar in appearance and function to the natural tooth. After the cavity has been removed, Dr. Heydari could place a tooth colored filling. This would mimic the original shape and shade of the tooth before the cavity ever developed.
What is the tooth colored filling made of?
Tooth colored fillings could either be porcelain or ceramic (both made in a dental laboratory) or a composite resin placed right onto the tooth by Dr. Heydari during your visit. A composite resin material is a hybrid of a special type of plastic and glass. This would then be bonded onto the tooth and it would have very similar properties to the natural tooth.
Is a tooth colored filling a good option for any type of a cavity or breakage of a tooth?
No. If a cusp of a tooth is involved in the caries or the breakage of the tooth or the damage is so much that the tooth can’t hold a filling,then the proper treatment would be a full coverage crown. A tooth colored filling would be a good option for a relatively small cavity.